✓ BORVİN is a product in powder formulation that meets the deficiency or need of Boron in plant nutrition.

✓ It is transported by transpiration within the plant and stored in the plant’s end organs.

✓ BORVİN is easily taken to the plant and easily transported within the plant.

✓ The importance of boron in plant nutrition; It prevents cracking of the fruit and the formation of stains on the fruits. It promotes pollen formation. It prevents the regression of the plant’s growth points (meristematic tissue). It supports carbohydrate metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis.

Note: Pay attention to overdoses. If the recommended dose is exceeded, phytotoxicity (poisoning) may occur in the plant.

Guaranteed Content %w/w
Water Soluble Boron (B) 14
Product Type Dripping (kg/acre) Foliar (gr/100 lt water)
VEGETABLES: Tomato, Pepper, Capia Pepper, Cucumber, Eggplant, Melon, Strawberry, Watermelon, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage, Carrot, Zucchini, Cauliflower, etc. 0.25 100
FRUIT TREE: Apple, Pear, Kiwi, Orange, Lemon, Mandarin, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Olive, Grape, Pomegranate, etc. 0.25 100
FIELD CROPS: Sunflower, Cereals, Sugar Beet, Tobacco, etc. 0.25 100
CUT FLOWERS 0.25 100
IN TROPICAL PLANTS: Banana, etc. 0.25 100