500 GR / 5 KG
✓ ROOTRAP is a good source of phosphorus. It promotes the formation of new and absorbent capillary hairs in the root system. After the treatment of wounds in the root system for various reasons, it has a positive effect on the regeneration process.
✓ The seed has many benefits such as soil structure including germination power, adverse climatic conditions, soil pH, irregularities in nutrient intake and uptake of plant nutrients in the soil.
✓ It is essential to use the plant in all vegetative and generative periods, starting from the seedling period. Mixing at least 100 g into each fertilizing water is very important for good plant growth. It helps to make plant nutrition complete with its micro element content.
✓ Roottrap can be defined as a nutrition assistant. Using it in drip irrigation system gives better results.