10KG / 20KG
✓ This product, in which Phosphorus (P) and Calcium (Ca) are combined, which creates problems in production and application, has a gel consistency and is 100% water soluble. With the Boron (B) in its content, it helps the movement of these macro elements and their transport by the transmission beams.
✓ It can be a special filler for the plant when applied with a drip irrigation system. It provides lignin (wood pulp) synthesis within the plant, making the plants ready for stress conditions. It is very important to use it periodically, even in a small amount, in a sunny weather, especially in the winter months when the temperature is very low. It directly affects fruit growth and prevents decay with its calcium content.
✓ Extends the shelf life of the fruit with leaf application. Increases cooldown in storage. When the fruit hits the market, it looks bright and sparkly. It is a unique product with its perfect content and combination. The formation stages of the product are unique and original only to our company.